Punjab govt chooses not to buy wheat one year from now


The Punjab government has chosen not to buy wheat one year from now, referring to a critical excess in its wheat reserve.

As per official sources inside the Punjab government, the choice comes as the public authority right now has a significant load of wheat that can meet the territory's necessities for as long as one year.

Sources uncover that the Punjab government as of now holds a stunning 2.27 million tons of wheat in its stores, demonstrating an excess that gives confirmation of food security to the not so distant future. This excess has empowered the public authority to settle on the choice to swear off wheat buys for the impending year, subsequently saving billions of rupees in acquirement costs.

Besides, sources inside the Punjab government feature that roughly 95% of Punjab's ranchers have previously offered their wheat to brokers, facilitating the weight on the public authority to acquire the grain straightforwardly.

Nonetheless, there have been concerns raised in regards to the job of mediators in the wheat store network, with sources underscoring that these delegates frequently exploit ranchers while taking on the appearance of their agents.

The Punjab government plans to divert the saved assets towards offering fundamental help to ranchers, including the issuance of Kisan cards and other facilitative measures.

The Punjab government had recently set an obtainment pace of Rs3,900 per maund for wheat buys, yet with the excess for possible later use, the requirement for direct acquisition has been deterred for the impending year.

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