PM to go to WEF meeting in Saudi Arabia on April 28


Top state leader Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif will go to a two-day extraordinary gathering of the World Monetary Discussion (WEF) on Worldwide Cooperation, Development and Energy for Improvement being held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from Sunday.

As per Unfamiliar Office representative Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, the Top state leader, joined by Unfamiliar Clergyman Congressperson Ishaq Dar, would venture out to the Realm at the greeting of Saudi Crown Ruler and Head of the state Mohammed container Salman and WEF Organizer and Chief Administrator Klaus Schwab.

She said that the significant level support will give a chance to feature Pakistan's needs in local cooperation and harmony among development and energy utilization.

The State leader will likewise visit Gambia to go to the fifteenth meeting of the Islamic Highest point Gathering under the trademark Improving Solidarity and Fortitude through Discourse for Supportable Advancement on May 4-5, 2024 in Banjul, the capital city of Gambia.

She said that Top state leader would communicate Pakistan's grave worry on slaughter in Gaza, advocate for their right to self-assurance, the basic of fortitude, other than thinking on Islamophobia, psychological oppression, and the difficulties looked by the Muslim world.

The representative let the media know that Pakistan is seeing a flood in provocative explanations from the Indian chiefs stating ridiculous cases on Indian Wrongfully Involved Jammu and Kashmir.

She said Pakistan dismisses the Indian cases as powered by hyper-patriotism with irritation way of talking and such cases present dangers to territorial harmony and security.

She encouraged the Indian lawmakers to stop the act of hauling Pakistan into their inward talk pointed toward acquiring constituent thought processes.

She expressed that in spite of Indian way of talking and declarations, IIOJK stays a globally perceived questioned region as the UN Security Gathering's goals obviously frame that last status still up in the air by the desire of the Kashmiri nation through a free plebiscite.

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